Inside Out 2: The Nostalgic Charm of Lance Slashblade's Retro Video Game Design

Inside Out 2: The Nostalgic Charm of Lance Slashblade's Retro Video Game Design
  • 21 Aug 2024

Exploring the Unique Design of Lance Slashblade in Inside Out 2

In the world of animation, every so often a character emerges that leaves a lasting impression not just for their role but for their design and impact. Lance Slashblade from Pixar's Inside Out 2 is one such character. This new addition to the colorful world inside Riley's mind takes a unique route, combining nostalgia for classic video games with the refined animation quality that Pixar is known for. In a world where high-definition graphics dominate, Lance's retro aesthetic stands out vividly.

A Nod to Classic Video Games

Lance Slashblade's design is a witty homage to older video games, particularly those from the PlayStation 2 era. His appearance is not just a casual glance backward to the days of Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts but a deliberate nod to the distinct visual style and gameplay mechanics of that period. Animator David Torres, whose experience includes working on the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime, spearheaded the design of Lance. Torres aimed to recapture the limited frame rates and specific quirks that defined early 2000s video games, including exaggerated armor and somewhat 'janky' gestures. The hand-keyed animations he used gave Lance a stilted walk and impractical armor, further enhancing the retro feel.

The Impact of Voice Acting

To complement Lance's unique look, the voice acting needed to be equally distinctive. Enter Yong Yea, a voice actor renowned for his work in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Persona 3 Reload. His dramatic rendition of Lance is inspired by brooding, complex anime characters like Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto. This voice acting choice adds depth to Lance’s personality and provides a dramatic flair that contrasts charmingly with his comedic visual design. This intense yet humorous blend has already captivated fans and critics alike.

Lance's Role in Inside Out 2

In Inside Out 2, Lance Slashblade is more than just a visual spectacle; he plays an essential role in Riley's emotional journey. As a video game crush for Riley, Lance adds a layer of depth and relatability to the storyline. His presence in the narrative introduces themes of escapism and the complexities of teenage emotions, elements critical in the overarching message of the film. The creators have skillfully intertwined Lance's backstory and personality traits to make him more than a mere side character.

Reception and Speculation

Since the announcement and subsequent release of Inside Out 2, Lance Slashblade has quickly become a fan favorite. His quirky design and memorable scenes have sparked widespread speculation about his future in the Inside Out universe. Could there be spin-offs or further character development in subsequent installations? Though nothing official has been announced, the possibility remains tantalizing for fans.

Creator Insights

Animator David Torres shared that his intention was to create a character that not only pays homage to the classics but also brings something fresh and humorous to the movie. By implementing hand-keyed animations and reducing the frame rates to mimic older games, he created a character that resonates on multiple levels. Torres's experience with Metroid Prime helped him bridge the gap between old and new animation techniques. Yong Yea's voice acting further elevated the character by adding layers of emotional complexity, making Lance more than just a nostalgic figure.


Inside Out 2’s introduction of Lance Slashblade offers a delightful blend of nostalgia and innovation. The character’s retro design paired with an engaging storyline makes him a standout in Pixar's roster. As audiences continue to embrace this vibrant world, the addition of Lance only enriches the emotional tapestry of the Inside Out universe. Whether he becomes the star of a potential spin-off or remains a beloved character, Lance Slashblade is poised to leave a lasting legacy in animation history.

Posted By: Oliver Jamison

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